Foundations of Intuition: 5-week Course
April 2 @ 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm
$495.00 – $555.00
This insightful course is for those who are seeking to expand their intuition and connection to the universe. Everyone has intuition, but if we don’t utilize it frequently it may feel confusing or difficult to access. The techniques taught within this course will help you to clear the clutter from your mind, so that you can clearly communicate with your higher wisdom. You will learn to let go of fear and detach from negative thought patterns, which obstruct intuitive flow, and instead raise your vibration so that messages come through clearly and easily. Strengthening your intuition is playful and liberating.
We will meet once a week IN PERSON to discuss, practice, and integrate each lesson. Practicing with others is the best way to learn intuition and is affirming. I will be offering guidance and support to help you strengthen your communication with the multisensory universe. Each class builds upon the previous one, creating a progressive flow of learning. We will practice one concept each week as a collective and then you will have time to integrate this concept into your own life to fully master it before the next lesson. We will utilize guided meditation, healing activations, mindfulness techniques to stay present and connected to your body.
During the days between classes, you will receive extra tools and resources to help strengthen your new skillset to imprint this knowledge deep within your cells. This includes:
- Guided Self-Hypnosis recordings
- Video links
- Journaling practices
- Mid-week tips and tools
- Recommended reading
This class is brought back by popular demand. Sign up early to reserve a spot. See you in class!
Early Bird (March 1st): $495; Regular: $555
The class dates are weekly held at the Healing Hut in Boise:
Wednesday, April 2, 2025: 6 – 7:15PM
Wednesday, April 9, 2025: 6 – 7:15PM
Wednesday, April 16, 2025: 6 – 7:15PM
Wednesday, April 23, 2025: 6 – 7:15PM
Wednesday, April 30, 2025: 6 – 7:15PM
WEEK 1: The Power is in the Present. A simple but POWERFUL start to our course. We all know that staying present is the best way to achieve happiness and peace. But did you know that this is the highest vibrational plane that we have on earth? And through high frequency we can easily communicate with your higher self or spirit guides. Think of communication with Source as tuning into a radio station–we must raise our vibration to hear the high frequency information from the universe. Within this week’s lesson are guided meditations, videos and practices to stay as present as possible from the beginning of this course (and hopefully forever). GROUP PRACTICE: practice reading for a partner: which intuitive ability is strongest for your partner (clairaudience, clairvoyance, etc).
WEEK 2: Fear and Logic are NOT Intuition. Diving right into it–you must detach from your mind, which communicates via fear and logic, in order to hear your intuition. Full stop. We will explore multiple techniques that help you detach from the mind so that you know what works for you when you need an answer. We also explore the nature and characteristics of intuitive answers (playfulness, surprising, calm and neutral). We also explore various ways to connect to your body (where all the answers are). GROUP PRACTICE: What does a “YES” feel like in the body? What does a “NO” feel like?–Practice reading this information for your partner.
WEEK 3: Self-Love Enhances Intuition. Self love is everything, I cannot emphasize this enough. The universe just wants you to feel all of the love that is waiting for you so that you understand how magnificent and powerful you are. When you accept this–you will begin to see all of the ways the universe is communicating with you, all of the time. Signs and messages will flow in more easily and clearly. This concept is simple, but sometimes we have blocks to our own love. In this class we will explore any limiting beliefs, self-doubt or self-criticism that needs to be released. Get ready for phenomenal transformation in your life. GROUP PRACTICE: Read your partners 3rd chakra (where self love resides); what do you see/hear/feel?
WEEK 4: Stay in Your Body. All of the answers that you seek are already within you! Your body is constantly trying to communicate with you–to help you align with your truth. Many empathic people can feel other people’s emotions, and have developed a tendency to go outside of their own bodies to “fix” others or take on emotions that are not their own. This is often an unconscious, natural habit. Becoming aware of this and then learning to stay inside your own body will bring you the clearest answers for yourself and uphold healthy boundaries. GROUP PRACTICE: scan and read your partner’s energy field and body; what messages are coming through?—share.
WEEK 5: Activating Your Divine Plan. It is no coincidence that you are in this course. Your soul wants you to expand your self-awareness and dive deeper into your intuitive abilities. This final class will bring all of our concepts together and focus on trusting yourself and the divine guidance that brought us together. Speaking of divine guidance–what does your higher self want you to know about what’s coming up for you? What do your guides want you to know about your intuition, and the ways that you will use it in the world? As a final gift, I will open your Akashic Records for you to receive a powerful activation of your intuitive skills, and relay any messages from the record keepers for you in this expansive time. GROUP PRACTICE: what are your partner’s multisensory gifts?